Fraction Wall with Decimal and Percentage Equivalences
Based on comments and feedback received as a result of the fraction wall, and fraction wall with decimal equivalences, posted a little while ago, I said that I would create a version that also included percentages, to help make that extra visual link and to help make the connection between the fraction, decimal and percentage.
You can download a copy of the template here.
A couple of points to make, some of the decimals, and therefore percentages are rounded, so if they are added across they may not total 1, exactly. Most will be slightly over, but 9ths will only total to 0.99, or 99%.
I have also alternated the fraction, decimal and percentage in all sections except the whole and 1/2, to keep things neat and simple.
I look forward to hearing how you used this and the value it brings to your learners.
Christine Edwards QTLS
Creating Excellence