Digital FS

Theme Curriculum Development
Webinar title

(Limited to 90 characters’)

Delivering Digital Functional Skills
Strapline/key reason to attend What you need to know to effectively deliver Digital Functional Skills.
Date and time 10 July 2024

10-11.30 am

Webinar Chair

(AELP contact)

Webinar Facilitator Christine Edwards QTLS, Creating Excellence
Facilitator Bio,

pic & logo

On file
Guest speaker? N/A

What will attending this webinar help our members do better?

It has taken several years for Digital Skills to be reformed and brought in line with the Essential Digital Skills framework, but now in place providers need to be able to adjust to the new requirements.

Digital Skills is a key focus and has been a legal entitlement for adults since August 2020, alongside maths and English at Level 2, this change is therefore significant within apprenticeships. While Digital Functional Skills are not a mandatory option in most apprenticeships, they provide part of the wider perspective of providing training that is considered essential for adults to be able to thrive in Modern Britain. Although based on the same framework as Essential Digital Skills, Digital Functional Skills are very different. These qualifications have been designed to be relevant to the workplace and could be beneficial for apprentices.

This interactive webinar will provide the information necessary to embrace the change and make the necessary adjustments to learning programmes required to support the different expectations.


Learning outcomes

(at least x3 please)

How will this webinar benefit our members – both individual delegates and their organisations?

At the same time – what are the carry through benefits – to the learners (the community we ultimately serve as a sector).

The content will cover:

  • The Digital Framework that informs the Digital Functional Skills
  • The expectations of the Digital Functional Skills qualifications
  • The value of Digital Functional Skills
  • Implementation and resource considerations
  • Taking things forward

The webinar will provide the core information needed to be able to deliver Digital Functional Skills, covering the IT skills required and support providers in ensuring that their provision meets the needs of these qualifications and the adult educational legal entitlement.

Digital Skills are an essential life skill and supporting this area of development provides an opportunity to positively impact society, offering an opportunity for providers to consider widening their provision to encompass this workplace relevant Digital Functional Skill.

Target Audience by company: FE and Skills Providers
Target Audience by job title:

Front line and second and line roles (and align titles to the whole sector)

This webinar is suitable for:

Curriculum developers who are not fully aware of the requirements for Digital Functional Skills;

Providers who have recognised the value of these qualifications and identified as an area for growth;

Educators who are delivering Functional ICT and need to transition to the new qualifications.

This webinar is not suitable for:

Providers who are fully aware of the requirements of Digital Functional Skills and have plans in place, or have already effectively transitioned to the new qualifications.





Case studies?


Breakout rooms?

Poll Everywhere

Breakout Rooms?

Handouts/ Resources?

Level? No or basic knowledge of the requirements for Digital Functional Skills
Agenda 10.00 – Welcome and Housekeeping

10.05 – Webinar content as per the objectives

11.20 – Summary and Q&A

11.30 – Webinar close

Webinar type Commercial – open to the sector delegates pay to attend. 
Platform Zoom Meeting if breakout rooms needed? 
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